Monday, 31 July 2017

K~Days 2017

K~Days has always been a long time tradition here in Edmonton, Alberta. Crazy rides, fairground foods, games, prizes and lots of talented performers entertain thousands of people, young and old, each year for the week long summer festival. It is a time for family fun, meeting with friends, or going for an old fashion kind of date. K~Days has something for everybody.

And if there was ever a place to publicly showcase your tattoos, the Edmonton K~Days would be the perfect venue. On a hot summer day, you can find people from all over Alberta showing up at the K~Days festival displaying their beautiful body art for others to see. Black and gray designs, full-colour sleeves, or just a cute little symbol worn on the neck can be seen throughout the line ups at the rides or concession counters.

As soon as I entered the park, I came across a young family who were standing in line at a refreshment counter. There was no doubt that this nice couple valued family and they proudly projected that with their tattoos. Family birth dates, names of loved ones and illustrations all conveyed their love of family.

Games of chance and skill are always part of the K~Day experience. Whether it is a small child fishing a yellow rubber duck out of a revolving river, tossing balls to knock over some bottles or betting on a number, there is always an entertaining challenge to be found. This beautiful mom seemed like she had been doing well. You will notice on the wrist she has a tattoo of her child's hand print.

Of course, not everyone comes out with armloads of prizes and tales of great wins, as this one man’s tattoo suggests. It must have been the minion's fault.

For most people, waiting in lines can be a pretty drawn out experience on a super hot day, but when it is for a ride that you are really looking forward to, that waiting time is filled with the momentum of building up courage to meet the challenge of a ride that may or may not take your breath away. Line ups were also an advantage point for me to stop and say “hello, can I take a photo of your tattoo” because it wasn’t like they were in a hurry to go anywhere.



There always comes a point when a person needs a bit of a break from the chaos of the crowds and needs to sit in a quiet place for a while to rest and cool down. There are a few nicely shaded picnic areas within the park to accommodate this luxury. With the exception of a mini steam train hooting by once in awhile, life becomes quite still in the Klondike Gold Panning area.

This young woman, Kathleen,  is one of those people who took advantage of such a spot. Her beautiful “Time” piece tattoo is still under construction and I am looking forward to seeing it when it is completed. There is a Big Ben clock tower, an hour glass and a pocket watch. If you would like to see the finished work, you can follow Kathleen at @Kathleenmayjean on Instagram. She really is a lovely person.

There was also a Saskatoon Riders fan enjoying the shaded picnic area with his family.

For those who do not want to commit to a full on tattoo, the henna tattoos or airbrush tattoos are a great alternative. Especially for those who are under the age of eighteen since one must be eighteen years of age to legally get a tattoo here in Canada.

Another part of the K~Days experience is inside the Northlands building where they have different activities going on. There is an area for those who want to shop, a children's area, a tech area and extreme sports area for people to explore and enjoy hands on activities. But there are also shows that are held in the Northlands building. One of this year's big events was the Powwow. It was an incredible event with hundreds of First Nations people coming to compete with each other in drumming circles and dance competitions for all ages.

At 7:30 pm the guitars start to warm up and the evening show begins. On this night an old Canadian 80’s  band called The Spoons started off the show. With great hits like Nova Heart and Old Emotions nostalgia flowed through the airwaves. It was really awesome to see musicians from the crazy 80’s still coming out and sounding as great as ever.

The next band to grace the stage was an all time Canadian favorite April Wine. By that point, many of the concert crowd have surrendered to the hot parched day and headed to the beer gardens to watch the concert. There you can find people dancing, celebrating and just having a great time with friends. The highlight of the evening was marked with the nightly fireworks signaling another great day at the fairgrounds has come to the end.


#kdays2017 #kdays #klondikedays #exibition #yegkdays #edmonton #tattoos #fairgrounds #perfectdate #familyfun #games #playinggames #fun #whatdidyoudothissummer #prizes #stuffedanimals #minions #sleevetattoo #eeyore #eeyoretattoo #fireworks #beergardens #celebrating #Aprilwine #thespoons #80smusic #concerts #musicians #Northlands #powwow #wolftattoo #alternativetattoos #ferriswheel #henna #saskatoonriderstattoo #bigbenclock #bigbenclocktattoo #moms #dads #family #owltattoo #liontattoo #summertime #ilovesummer

Friday, 21 July 2017

Interview With Artist Brin Steeves

While I was meandering through the side streets of the Strathcona Art-Walk this summer, I came to meet a young woman named Brin Steeves. By looking at her paintings of mountain landscapes and balanced colours, immediately one could tell that Brin was an earthy person who had respect for nature and embraced life. Convinced by her genuine smile and arms full of tattoos, I knew I just had to interview her. After introducing myself and chatting for a bit, Brin was happy to share with me and my viewers the stories behind her tattoos.


I have a chickadee sitting on some pine cones with a one cent price tag. The one cent represents my grandpa because he use to pay me one cent per pine cone that I picked up. I have a few sunflowers on there as well, and the chickadees just remind me of the summer time of being camping and waking up in the woods and you hear them everywhere. So this was done by Katrina Rowsell at Fountainhead Tattoo and she specializes in the neo traditional work. It was pretty difficult for me getting through it because I can’t stand my collar bones being touched at all, so having this part up on my collar bones done was a very mentally difficult tattoo, but I am really happy with how it turned out.

Turning to her other arm.
This is mostly a memorial tattoo. A few people in my family have a compass rose, so that’s why I have that piece there. But the roses on top are for two family members that have passed away. And I have some advice from my mom saying “appreciate every day” written there as well.

My tattoos have been contributing to my art in the last few years, they’ve allowed me to express myself and feel more comfortable with my body, more confident.

Now pointing to her thigh.
This is from New Zealand. I got three pieces, two in one day when I was in New Zealand. So it is a little Hobbit hole. (we laugh) Ya, it’s a little hobbit hole. It was done by a woman who recently passed away. Her name was Rea …. and she was in Auckland. So that kind of changed the meaning of that one after hanging out with her for a few days and getting tattooed. I also got a piece on my ribs done that day. The third piece is on my foot.

The one on my foot ...a Maori family took us in for the night because we were sleeping in a camper van and they welcomed us to their home and gave us food, shower, a bed, and everything. And then the husband explained that he was a tattoo artist and that he wanted to gift us a piece. So he took us out to his shop out back and designed us a traditional piece. He hand sketched it with just sharpies. He had been teaching traditional Maori art at the university for twenty years. I don’t know what his full name is, but he goes by Que. He got me to sit down and talk about my journey through New Zealand and then designed it around that, so, it's called the Manaia, its a guardian and she is half bird half woman and at sunrise she takes spirits over to the next world. So, telling him about the grief I was working through and my time in New Zealand, and the sunrises and stuff, he said, “I have the perfect girl for you and it is great that it is going on your foot because she is going to guide you through all your journeys.” That was a pretty incredible night. We were not expecting that when we got invited into their home.   


To have a look at Brin’s artwork you can go to her FaceBook: Oilandbirch or follow her on Instagram @oilandbirch

#artists #femaleartists #artistswithtattoos #BrinSteeves #oilandbirch #birdtattoos #hobbithousetattoo #compasstattoo #rosetattoo #chickadeetattoo #sunrises #Newzealand #travel #Maoritattoo #polynesiantattoos #familymemories #family #daughterswithtattoos #sunflowertattoos #theartistslife #Ilovetattoos #appreciateeveryday #appreciateyourlife #pinecones #fountainheadtattoo

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Tattooed Artists

There was a really nice collection of different styles of art on display at the Strathcona Art Walk that took place earlier in June. Being that I had gone there to find artists with tattoos, it was wonderful to see that there were as many different styles of tattoos as there were different styles of artists. Each tattoo unique to the canvas it was inked onto.  On this post, I would like to once more honor all the tattooed artists I met over the Art-Walk weekend by displaying their tattoo photos and including their personal links so that art enthusiasts can check out their creative platform.

Natalia artist
Instagram: spinel.morningstar


Artist/Owner of Tear Creations Tattoo & Airbrushing

        Jodie   Artist/Tattooist at Tear Creations
        Instagram: fromjheinrichs_tattoos

                Kaitlin      Artist / Tattooist

                Studio Eight Tattoo Company

                Instagram: cakelintattoos


        Alix  artist

        Instagram: blackeneddovedesign



                                       Brin  artist  

                                                      Instagram:     Oilandbirch


     Denise   artist


      Instagram: redpepperpaintingparties

         Kim  artist


         Instagram: kimbotronic

          Jayna  artist


               Instagram: art_by_jayna

                      Lisa    artist


                              Instagram:  jonesiest

            Kara   artist


           Instagram: life_of_kara


                                                  Brandan J.  "BJ"   artist
                                   Facebook: BJTanneyART

                                                  Instagram: bjtanneyart

       Kat  artist

       Facebook: phatkatcreative

           Instagram: phatkatkat

             Tammy  artist


             Instagram: tammybergensart

         Hailey   artist


              Instagram: haileycooganart


            Jamie  artist


                Instagram: jamie_pruden_artist

        Bri    artist

         Facebook: OMalley.bri.artist

            Instagram: bri.omalley

               Justin  artist


               Instagram: jbvalens

        Tieu  artist


         Instagram:  happymayo_

Michael   artist/writer


Lulu Page:
Michael Conforti:beyond-the-cusp-of-reality

        Rachel   artist


             Kelly  artist

             Facebook: Kidfunkyfry73

             Instagram: kidfunkyfry73

     Nicole   artist

     Instagram: nicole_elizabethart

"We are taking the long road to find our way back home. But we won't stray this time." 

Tamara  artist


     Ed  artist
     Facebook: edward.bianic

 Eric  artist


 Instagram: blackbullart

      Robert   artist


       Instagram: grizzly_oak

     Erika  artist

     Facebook: erika.eve.31

     Instagram: haus_of_troggle

 Ariah & Kristina 
      tattoo artists at 
      Envy Tattoos & Piercing

 Kristina @narichan
 Ariah black_crayon_initiate


                          Emmett  music artist

                          You Tube


#randomtattoosinedmonton  #artistswithtattoos #tattoothepicturesstory #handtattoos #edmontonartists #tattooartists #musicalartist #tearcreations #armtattoo #cupcaketattoo #ferntattoo #comictattoo #clasicarttattoo #birdtattoo #chickadeetattoo #treetattoo #painters #menwithtattoos #womenwithtattoos #tattooblog #ArtWalkartists #creativepeople #peoplewithpotential #whoswho #checkouttheseartists #hesgottalent #shesgottalent #skinart #bodyart #paintingthecanvas