Sunday, 29 January 2017


It may seem cliche to say that "every picture has a story", but the reality is that every picture does have a story. If the image does not have a story per say, then the story revolves around the creation of that image.
Hello, my name is Patricia Travers. Since what seems to be forever, I have loved tattoos. When I look at a tattoo, I see many things. I see art, a story, and a piece of someones history. I see pop culture and ancient symbols. There is love. There is pain. There is devotion. And then I see the person who so beautifully displays them.
On more occasions than I care to admit, I have been that crazy woman who goes up to strangers and asks them the significance of their skin art. Mostly, and thank goodness, people respond well and like to share their stories or give a modest body tour.
As for me, up until now, I have never gotten a tattoo. The reason for this was because as a single parent/student/writer, I just didn't have the money to do it, or couldn't justify spending money on myself. But a funny thing happens once you turn 50. You begin to look at life a little differently. Time seems to be a little less generous. There is a call to adventure and rediscovering your authentic self.
I hope you will join me as I journey down the road of Tattoo Culture, sharing my personal stories and the stories and art of others. 
Thank you!

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