I remember years ago when I had met a young woman who had slash marks across her wrists and forearms, and I didn’t understand why a person would do such a thing to themselves. At that time, I thought it seemed very extreme and almost self absorbing. Well, I’ve grown up a lot since then, and life will throw at us what we need to understand. Having personally gone through depression and complete hopelessness, I now understand how a person could inflict such pain and abuse upon themselves. I have never actually gone through with the act of cutting, but I have felt the internal pain that would provoke the cutting. When a person aches inside so strongly, there is a feeling that if you make the outside bleed then maybe just maybe the pain will have a place to leak from. Sounds crazy, but unless you have been in emotional hell, don’t judge.
For the most part, those that go through emotional hell are experiencing a temporary reality. What I mean is that, if life outside of themselves was different, they would be different people. (yes, I know, that clashes with the reality begins within ourselves theory; but every theory has exceptions) Here's the thing...self-harm is most likely to happen to those between the ages of 7 - 17. Especially girls. These are kids who are experiencing the world through the influence of others. Although I agree that some may have a physical chemical imbalance, I would have to say my opinion is that most are living in emotionally imbalanced home environments. And looking at the state of our society, I think my opinion has a lot of validity.
So here’s the thing, what happens to these people when they get older and have taken control of their own lives and are creating a happy existence for themselves? Sadly, they still have the scars of their past as a constant reminder of the history they left behind. Well, maybe it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.
Tattooist Whitney Develle is a young woman who is turning self-harm scars into works of art. In 2016 Whitney created The Scars Project. For the past year she has been giving one free tattoo per week to those who are self-conscious of their self-harm scars. That project served over fifty people.
Taken from Whitney's Face Book page:
Bio: “In 2106 I devoted my time to 'The Scars Project'. I decided to tattoo 1 free tattoo a week until the end of the year for those who had scars from previously inflicted self-harm or had suffered at the hands of abuse. It was my aim to remove the stigma behind self-harm scarring and bring some light back into the lives of those that were ready for a new chapter in their lives. Given the overwhelming amount of beautiful people out there that inquired I could not offer a free sitting to everyone, so I decided to offer discounted rates to anyone who was seeking to move forward from their past and embark on a new beginning. I learnt so much along the way and met so many incredible people who have changed my life in more ways than one, I will forever be grateful. “
I have never personally talked to Whitney and receive nothing for this endorsement...but I am thrilled to support her work. Not only does she have a kind heart, but is also an amazing artist.
Whitney is a third year tattooist from Melbourne, Australia. She is currently working out of the Sacred Monkey Tattoo shop. You can find her at Whitney Develle Face Book Page
You can also watch this interview... BBC interview
I personally would love to see other artist join in on The Scar Project and watch it go viral around the world.
#self-harm #WhitneyDevelle #women #teens #girls #healing #tattoo #InkArt #selflove #BodyArt #rolemodles
You can also watch this interview... BBC interview
I personally would love to see other artist join in on The Scar Project and watch it go viral around the world.
#self-harm #WhitneyDevelle #women #teens #girls #healing #tattoo #InkArt #selflove #BodyArt #rolemodles
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