Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Confirmation is a Powerful Thing

Last week I spent an intense three days in a Career Planning Workshop.  During that time, I decided to take off my writer's hat so that I could be open to the possibilities of something else may be out there for me and I wanted to create that open mind for new ideas. The course was amazing. I totally loved Susan our instructor and it was a good group of people who were gathered together. We did lots of self assessments, self discovery and self awareness exercises. The interesting thing for me personally was that the results of my scores always pointed back to the arts and writing. Journalist came up a lot. By the end of the program, I was completely exhausted but filled with renewed ambition to be a creative journalist. What I learned was that I am in the right field and for the right reasons. Even my astrology , Gemini North Node, and double Sagittarius scream Communications and quest for stories and truth. So sometimes it isn't about finding something completely new and shinny, but rather looking at what you already have and polishing it up. 

So now I am embracing my time spent at working towards getting a certificate in Journalism and moving forward with passion towards my project Tattoo: The Pictures Story.  With enthusiasm like a child ... there is a whole new part of life to be explored and great people to meet. 

#career #planning #communications #journalism #enthusiasm #discovery

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